CS 10B Programming Concepts and Methodologies 1

Project 12.2

Write a program that plays a number guessing game with a Human user. The Human user will think of a number between LOWER_LIMIT and UPPER_LIMIT, inclusive. (LOWER_LIMIT and UPPER_LIMIT will be global constants, typically 1 and 100, but your program must still work if they are set to something different. When you submit to zyBooks, you should set them to 1 and 100. You may assume that LOWER_LIMIT < UPPER_LIMIT.) The program will make guesses and the user will tell the program to guess higher or lower.

A sample run of the program might look like this:

Ready to play (y/n)? y
Think of a number between 1 and 100.
My guess is 50. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: h
My guess is 75. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: h
My guess is 88. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: l
My guess is 81. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: c
Great! Do you want to play again (y/n)? y
Think of a number between 1 and 100.
My guess is 50. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: l
My guess is 25. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: h
My guess is 37. Enter 'l' if your number is lower, 'h' if it is higher, 'c' if it is correct: c
Great! Do you want to play again (y/n)? n

The strategy that the program will use goes like this: Every time the program makes a guess it should guess the midpoint of the remaining possible values. About 50% of students end up spending extra time on this project because they don't study the following example carefully, so I recommend taking some time to make sure you understand every step. Consider the first example above, in which the user has chosen the number 81:

On the first guess, the possible values are 1 to 100. The midpoint is 50.
The user responds by saying "higher"

On the second guess the possible values are 51 to 100. The midpoint is 75.
The user responds by saying "higher"

On the third guess the possible values are 76 to 100. The midpoint is 88.
The user responds by saying "lower"

On the fourth guess the possible values are 76 to 87. The midpoint is 81.
The user responds "correct"

Additional Requirements

The purpose of the assignment is to practice writing functions. Although it would be possible to write the entire program in the main function, your solution should be heavily structured. Most of the point penalties given on this assignment will be for not following the instructions below carefully. The main function must look exactly like this. Copy and paste this code into your file, and don't edit it:

int main() {
    char response;
    cout << "Ready to play (y/n)? ";
    cin >> response;
    while (response == 'y') {
        cout << "Great! Do you want to play again (y/n)? ";
        cin >> response;

The playOneGame() function must implement a complete guessing game using the range LOWER_LIMIT to UPPER_LIMIT.

In addition, you must implement the following helper functions to be invoked inside your playOneGame() function:

void getUserResponseToGuess(int guess, char& result)

The getUserResponseToGuess() function should prompt the user to enter 'h', 'l', or 'c' (as shown in the sample output). It should set its "result" parameter equal to whatever the user enters in response. It should do this ONE time, and should not do anything else. Note that printing the guess is part of the prompt.

int getMidpoint(int low, int high)

The getMidpoint() function should accept two integers, and it should return the midpoint of the two integers. If there are two values in the middle of the range then you should consistently chose the smaller of the two.