CS 10B Programming Concepts and Methodologies 1

Lesson 15: Classes

Section 15.1: Introduction to Classes

A class is a way for a programmer to define a new type. For example, suppose that a group of programmers at a software firm are working on a project that involves a great deal of date processing. Rather than having three variables to represent a single date (a month, a day, and a year), it would be convenient to have a data type called Date that would, with a single variable, represent a date. Once we have this new data type defined, we could declare variables of type Date like this:

Date date1;
Date date2;

Each Date variable would store all of the information necessary to represent a single date. The group leader might assign one of the group members the task of defining the new type. That programmer would use a class to do this.

When we declare a variable of type Date (or any other class), the variable is called an object. Don't be intimidated by the term object. An object is simply a special kind of variable. If you encounter the word object and you aren't sure what it means, try just substituting the word variable. Most of the time that will work fine.

To put it another way: A class is a special kind of type. An object is a special kind of variable whose type is a class instead of a primitive type like int or char.

Let me digress for a moment and point out that we have actually been using classes for a long time already. Although classes can be defined by programmers in situations like the one described above, some classes come pre-defined. For example, the string data type that we have been using since the first week of class is actually not a primitive data type, but is a pre-defined class. Here's how you can tell the difference: You may have noticed that the syntax of using string objects is a bit different than it is for the other data types we have used. For example, when you declare a string object you can then call a function that operates on that object by putting a dot between the string object and the name of the function. The third line below is an example of this:

string str1;
str1 = "hi there";
cout << str1.substr(1,3);

Clearly you couldn't do anything like this with an int variable or a double variable. That's because string is not a primitive data-type. Rather, it is a class. When we call a function that is a component of an object like this, we call the object (str1 in this case) the calling object and we say that str1 calls the substr() function. In general the "dot operator" is used to refer to a particular component of an object. The function call illustrated above means "call the substr() function that is a component of the str1 object."

When we use a class in a program we say that the program we are writing is a client of the class. So it would be technically correct to say that any program you have written that uses the string class is a client program. Usually, however, this term is used when we need to distinguish between a class and the program that uses the class. In this case we would call the class a class definition and we would call the program that uses the class the client program.

Sometimes students have a hard time conceptualizing classes and objects. Here is an analogy to help you think about classes and objects, in case it helps. If it doesn't help, that's ok, you can ignore it for now. Classes are like a blue print, and objects are like individual houses built according to the blue print. Each of these houses is an "instance" of the blue print. Each one has its own bathrooms and bedrooms, but they all have the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms as the blue print. If you paint the master bedroom of house1 pink, the master bedroom of house2 stays the same.

Section 15.2: Declaring a Class

When we declare a class, we start by listing all of the components that objects of that class will have. Consider the Date example again. In order to store a date we must store three things: an integer for the month, an integer for the day, and an integer for the year. (This is the most intuitive way to store a date. Actually we could store dates using a number of different methods. For example, we could store the month in a string, or we could store the entire date in a single string, or we could represent the date as the number of days that have passed since January 1, 1600. We'll stick to the more intuitive solution of storing three integers.)

In addition to these three pieces of data, a Date object should also have functions that it can call, like string objects can call substr(), length(), find(), and others. For a Date class you might want the following functions:

  • A print() function to print out the Date on the screen and a read() function to read in a Date from the keyboard. These are necessary because we won't be able to use the extraction and insertion operators to read and print, since C++ does not have the extraction and insertion operators defined to work with Date objects. Once we have these 2 functions defined, we would then print out a Date by saying


    We would read in a Date by saying

  • A set() function that could be used to set the Date. This would take the place of using the assignment statement to set a Date. So if we want to set date1 to March 19, 1947, we would say


We will proceed with just these three for now, and then add more functions to our Date once we are confident that these three are working correctly. (Note this is modeling good practice: you should use incremental development like this in your own coding too.)

Before we start defining our class, we should illustrate what a client program that uses the class might look like. We don't need a full-blown program here, just a simple program that demonstrates the use of each of the member functions. Here is an example client program for the Date class, along with the output that it should produce:

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int main() {
        Date date1;
        Date date2;

        date1.set(4, 27, 1947);
        cout << "date1 should be 4/27/1947: ";    
        cout << endl;
        cout << "enter a date (M/D/Y): ";
        cout << "the date you entered was: ";
        cout << endl;

    date1 should be 4/27/1947: 4/27/1947
    enter a date (M/D/Y): 11/1/2000
    the date you entered was: 11/1/2000

Here is the syntax for declaring a class. To start with, a class declaration has the following form:

    class Date {
        <list the components that each 
         object of this class will contain>    

Make careful note of the semi-colon at the end of this definition. It is unusual in C++ to see a semi-colon immediately after the close curly brace, and so beginning C++ programmers often forget to put it there. Unfortunately, this may result in some rather bizarre error messages, so be sure to get it right the first time.

We use declaration statements to list each component of the class. Recall that a prototype is really a function declaration.

    class Date {
        void print();
        void read();
        void set(int month, int day, int year);    
        int month;
        int day;
        int year;

At this point we need to make several observations. Each component of a class is called a member. Notice that there are two types of members we are listing. We call the members that are variables data members or member variables. We call the members that are functions member functions.

Notice that the print() and read() member functions have no parameters. This should cause some doubt in your mind. If there are no parameters to the print() functions, what is printed? The answer is that it is the calling object that is being printed. Let me explain. Inside a member function you have access to the data members of the calling object, even though they are not explicitly stated as parameters. Remember that when we call print() in our client program, it will look like this:


The objective of this function call is to print date1. So inside our print() function we will have statements that print the month, day, and year data members of the calling object (date1, in this example).


The rest of this section of the lesson is probably the most important concept in beginning/intermediate programming. Please read carefully and repeatedly until it makes sense!

There is one more thing we need to fix before we are done with our class declaration. Some of the members we have listed for our Dateclass are intended to be available to the client programmer. Some of the members we have listed are intended to be available only to the other members of the class. This is an extremely important concept to understand if you are to use classes effectively. The most important thing to understand about classes is that not only are we defining a new type, we are making that new type completely independent and self-contained, so that the class will be easily reusable; in fact, we are going to maintain a much higher degree of independence and self-containedness than we were able to with functions. In order to maintain this high degree of independence and thus reusability, we are going to deny the client program access to any of the data members of a class. The result of this is that we could completely change the way that Dates are stored, and completely rewrite each of our member functions to reflect this change, but any client programs that use our class will still work.

Please stop and read that last sentence again until it makes sense.

On the other hand, unlike the data members of the class, we do want the client program to be able to call the member functions of our class. We make this distinction by having a "private" section and a "public" section of our class declaration.

To summarize: class members that we declare in the "public" section of the class can be accessed by the client program. Class members that we declare in the "private" section of the class can only be accessed by functions in the same class. They cannot be accessed by the client program. For our purposes, you can assume that all data members will always be private.

    class Date {
            void print();
            void read();
            void set(int month, int day, int year);   
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;

It is customary but not required that we place the public section at the top of the class declaration and the private section at the bottom, since the public section is the only section that a client programmer using this class should look at.

Some important terminology: encapsulation is one of the most important words in beginning/intermediate programming. Encapsulation is the ability of a class to prevent a client from accessing some of its members. As you can see in the above example, in C++ we implement encapsulation by using the reserved word "private".

To say this another way: what we are doing here is separating the class implementation from the class specification (also known as the class interface). One way of thinking about the specification of a class is that it is the only part of the class declaration that the client and the class must both know about and agree upon. In order to use a class, the client only needs to know what member functions the class has defined and how to call them -- not how they are implemented (in other words, not how the code inside them is written). You can think of the specification as being like a wall that separates the implementation details of the class from the client program. In fact, I like to call this the "Wall of Abstraction". The picture might look like this:

Please make sure that this diagram makes sense, and let us know in the discussion if you need some help understanding it.

Let's talk about the word abstraction. For our purposes, abstraction is when you replace something that is concrete and detailed with something that is easy to use without understanding the details behind it. For example, in C++ an object of type "string" is represented by an array of characters. But we don't need to know this in order to use objects of type "string". Fortunately, those details are taken care of for us, and we can just work with the abstract concept of a "string".

Section 15.3: Defining Member Functions

Now we are ready to begin defining the member functions. The definitions of the member functions follow the class declaration. Actually, we will ultimately want to place the class declaration and member function definitions in separate files; however, we'll keep things simple for now.

Consider this definition of the print() member function:

    class Date {
            void print();
            void read();
            void set(int month, int day, int year);   
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;

    void Date::print()
        cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;

There are a few observations we need to make about even this very simple function definition. First we need to talk about scope for a minute. In chapter 8 you read about scope. At that time we knew about two kinds of scope: global scope and local scope. To review: a variable or function that is declared in the global scope ("globally") is accessible from anywhere in the program. A variable or function that is declared in a local scope ("locally") is accessible only from the function in which is was declared. All of the functions we have seen so far have been global functions, able to be called from anywhere in your program. All of the variables we have seen so far have been local variables, since I made a rule of not having global variables. We now need to talk about a third type of scope called class scope. The function print() is not a global function like the ones we have been writing. You can't call it by simply saying "print()" anywhere in your program. Since the print() function is part of the Date class we say that it is declared in a class scope, specifically the scope of the Date class.

When we go to write our class definition for the print() function, we have to specify that it is not a global function but rather it is in the scope of the Date class. We do this by putting "Date::" in front of the function name. The :: is called the "scope resolution operator". In summary: when defining a member function, you have to precede the function name with "classname::" in order to tell C++ that it is not a global function but rather a member of a particular class.

The second observation is a very important one to get right: when I say "month" inside my print() function, it means "the month data member of the calling object". So if the client program included the statement


using month inside the print member function would mean the month data member of date1. To state this rule more generally, when a data member of the class is used inside the definition of a member function, it refers to that data member of the calling object.

The entire class is listed below. Study it carefully to make sure you understand how the mechanisms we have discussed are working in each member function. Also, make sure to refer back to the original client program and sample output I provided above to see how the class works together with the client program.

    class Date {
            void print();
            void read();
            void set(int month, int day, int year);   
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;

    void Date::print()
        cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;

    void Date::read()
        char dummy;
        cin >> month >> dummy >> day >> dummy >> year;    

    void Date::set(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear)
        month = inMonth;
        day = inDay;
        year = inYear;

Section 15.4: Date Class Continued

Let's discuss in more detail the definitions of Date::read() and Date::set() from section 15.3.

In theread() function, we see the statement cin >> month. You might notice that this is a bit different from situations we have seen before this, because it appears that month is a variable which has not been declared locally. This is acceptable in this case, because month is a data member of the Dateclass. When we say month in a member function, we mean the month data member of the calling object. So this statement has the effect of placing whatever the user types into the month data member of the calling object.

But what is the calling object?? We would need to see the client code to know this. If the client code had a statement like date1.read(), then the calling object would be date1. If the client code had a statement like x.read() (where x has been declared as a Dateobject), then x would be the calling object.

The next item to be extracted is a variable called dummy. This is necessary to consume the slash (/) character that the user is going to include when he enters a Date. After this, the next integer in the input stream goes into the variable day, which refers to the day data member of the calling object. Then another slash character is read into the variable dummy, and finally the last integer goes into year, the year data member of the calling object.

The set function is slightly more interesting than the print or read functions. The set function has three parameters. Why did I name these inMonth, inDay, and inYear instead of just month, day, and year? Primarily because we need to distinguish between the parameters and the data members. The data members are already named month, day, and year, so we have to think of different names for the parameters.

The first assignment statement inside the set function says to set the month data member of the calling object equal to the value of the first parameter, inMonth. The second assignment statement says to set the day data member of the calling object equal to the value of the second parameter, inDay. And similarly for the year data member. So when the client program has a statement date1.set(4, 27, 1947); (as our client program from earlier in this lesson does), what happens is the month data member of date1 gets set to 4, the day data member of date1 gets set to 27, and the year data member of date1 gets set to 1947.

Let's move on now to extend the functionality of our class. We would like to be able to do more than just read Dates, print Dates, and set Dates. For example, we would like to be able to compare two Dates and see if one comes before another, so we will define a function named comesBefore which takes one parameter and compares the calling object with the parameter. If the calling object comes before the parameter, comesBefore will return true, otherwise comesBefore will return false. A code segment in a client program that uses this function might look like this:

    if (date1.comesBefore(date2)){
        cout << "date1 comes before date2" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "date1 does not come before date2" << endl;    

To implement this function, we will first compare years. We return true if the year data member of the calling object is less than the year data member of the parameter, and false if the year data member of the calling object is greater than the year data member of the parameter. If neither of these first two conditions is true, it means that the years are equal, and we must go on to compare months. We compare the months in the same manner in which we compared the years, and then go on to compare days if the months are equal. Here is the function definition for comesBefore. It is possible to write this function much more concisely, but I think that this solution is easier to understand than the more concise solution.

    bool Date::comesBefore(Date otherDate)    
        if (year < otherDate.year){
            return true;

        if (year > otherDate.year){
            return false;

        if (month < otherDate.month){    
            return true;

        if (month > otherDate.month){    
            return false;
        return day < otherDate.day;

Don't forget that in addition to adding this function definition to the function definitions we have, we also need to include the prototype for this function in the class declaration.

Section 15.5: Adding an increment Member Function

Let's now add a member function to theDate class that will allow us to increment a Date. By "increment" we mean change the value of the Dateobject so that it represents the date that is one day later than the date currently represented. A code segment in a client program that uses this function might look like this:

    cout << "One day later, date2 is: ";    
    cout << endl;

Notice that the increment function is a void function (you can tell because it is called like a statement, not like an expression) that actually modifies the value of the calling object. In a moment we will see a similar example except that instead of modifying the calling object, the function returns the resulting value but does not modify the calling object itself.

The implementation of the increment function is not as straightforward as it may at first seem. We begin by simply adding one to the day data member. The problem is, what if day was originally the last day of the month? In this case, we would have to set day back to 1, and add one to the month data member. But what if the month was originally 12? We don't want the month to be 13! So in this case we would have to set the month back to 1 and add one to the year data member. To further complicate matters, it is not easy to tell whether the day is the last day of the month, because each month has a different number of days. So we'll write an auxiliary function named numDaysInMonth that returns the number of days in the month of its calling object. In order to write this function we will need yet another auxiliary function to determine whether the year of the calling object is a leap year. Whew! Here is the code for the increment function and its two auxiliary functions:

    int Date::numDaysInMonth()
        switch (month) {
            case 2:if (isLeapYear()){
                       return 29;
                   } else {
                       return 28;

            case 4:
            case 6:
            case 9:
            case 11: return 30;

            default: return 31;

    bool Date::isLeapYear()
        if (year % 400 == 0){
            return true;

        if (year % 100 == 0){
            return false;

        return year % 4 == 0;

    void Date::increment()

        if (day > numDaysInMonth()){    
            day = 1;

        if (month > 12){
            month = 1;

Consider the call to the numDaysInMonth function for a moment. This function will be a member function of the Dateclass. However, it is called without an object in front. So far, every time a member function has been called it has been called using the syntax


The reason that we don't use this syntax when calling numDaysInMonth is this: we want to call numDaysInMonth using the object that called increment as the calling object. For example, if date1 in the client program was the calling object that called increment, we want that same calling object to call the numDaysInMonth function. This way when we say month in the numDaysInMonth function, we are still referring to the same calling object that we had in the increment function. The rule for using member functions is the same as the rule for using data members. Recall that when we want to refer to the month data member of the calling object, we just use the word month by itself. In the same way, when we want to refer to the numDaysInMonth member function of the calling object, we just use the function call by itself, without putting an object in front. This same thing occurs again when the numDaysInMonth function calls the isLeapYear function.

Section 15.6: Adding an increasedBy Member Function

Let's now add a member function called increasedBy to the Dateclass that will add a certain number of days to a Date. We will design this function somewhat differently than we designed the increment function. The increment function was designed as a void function that did not return a value but did modify the calling object. Let's design our increasedBy function so that it does not modify the calling object, but rather returns a Date that is equal to the calling object increased by the number of days indicated in the parameter. A code segment in a client program that uses this function might look like this:

    date1 = date2.increasedBy(12);
    cout << "After setting date1 to equal date2 + 12,";    
    cout << "date 2 is still: ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "but date1 is now: ";
    cout << endl;

The statement in which the call to increasedBy appears should NOT modify the value of date2. Rather it should modify date1 so that it represents the date that comes 12 days after the date represented by date2. The output of this code segment should be:

    After setting date1 to date2 + 12, date2 is still 7/24/1947    
    but date1 is now 8/5/1947

Compared to the increment function, increasedBy is fairly straightforward. We simply call increment the appropriate number of times. For example, if the parameter is 7, we would call increment 7 times. The first interesting thing about the increasedBy function is that its return type is Date. Although we have not yet seen a function that has a class as the return type, there should be no trouble seeing how this works. It simply means that the value that is returned by this function with the return statement must be a Date. In addition, when this function is called in the client program, it must be used in the place where you would normally expect to see a Datevalue. In the code segment example above, for example, it is used on the right side of an assignment statement where the left side of the assignment statement is a Dateobject and so the compiler is expecting a Dateobject on the right side as well.

A second interesting thing about the increasedBy function is that we have to have a temporary Date object. We set the temporary Date object to the value of the calling object by using the set function, then we increment the temporary Date the appropriate number of times using the increment function, and finally we return the temporary Date. We need to have a temporary Date to avoid modifying the value of the calling object. Let me explain that statement. Some students might initially try to solve this problem by simply incrementing the calling object the appropriate number of times and then returning the calling object. The problem with this approach is that the calling object gets modified, and according to the code segment example above, we don't want the calling object to be modified by this function.

What follows is the complete Date class as it now stands. I haven't given the solution to the increasedBy function separately, since you can simply find it in the code below. Notice that the functions numDaysInMonth and isLeapYear are listed as private members. This is because these functions are not intended to be called from the client program; rather they are intended to be called only from other member functions. So we make them private. All of your data members should always be private. The rule for member functions, however, is not so simple. Most member functions must be public so that they can be called by the client. Member functions which are not intended to be called by the client, however, should be private.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Date {
            void print();
            void read();
            void set(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear);    
            bool comesBefore(Date otherDate);
            void increment();
            Date increasedBy(int numDays);
            int numDaysInMonth();
            bool isLeapYear();
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;

    void Date::print()
        cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;    

    void Date::read()
        char dummy;
        cin >> month >> dummy 
            >> day >> dummy >> year;

    void Date::set(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear) 
        month = inMonth;
        day = inDay;
        year = inYear;

    bool Date::comesBefore(Date otherDate)
        if (year < otherDate.year){
            return true;

        if (year > otherDate.year){
            return false;

        if (month < otherDate.month){
            return true;

        if (month > otherDate.month){
            return false;
        return day < otherDate.day;

    int Date::numDaysInMonth()
        switch (month) {
            case 2:if (isLeapYear()){
                       return 29;
                   } else {
                       return 28;

            case 4:
            case 6:
            case 9:
            case 11: return 30;

            default: return 31;

    bool Date::isLeapYear()
        if (year % 400 == 0){
            return true;

        if (year % 100 == 0){
            return false;

        return year % 4 == 0;

    void Date::increment()

        if (day > numDaysInMonth()){
            day = 1;

        if (month > 12){
            month = 1;

    Date Date::increasedBy(int numDays)
        Date tempDate;
        int count;

        tempDate.set(month, day, year);
        for (count = 0; count < numDays; count++){

        return tempDate;

    int main() {
        Date date1;
        cout << "When first declared, date1 is: ";
        cout << endl;
        date1.set(7, 24, 1949);
        cout << "After being set to 7/24/1949, date1 is: ";
        cout << endl;
         Date date2;    
        cout << "enter a date: ";
        cout << "you entered: ";
        cout << endl;
        if (date1.comesBefore(date2)){
            cout << "date1 comes before date2" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "date1 does not come before date2" << endl;    
        cout << "one day later, date2 is: ";
        cout << endl;
        date1 = date2.increasedBy(12);
        cout << "After setting date1 to equal date2 + 12,";
        cout << "date 2 is still: ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "but date1 is now: ";
        cout << endl;

Section 15.7: Constructors

A constructor is a member function that is automatically called when the client program declares an object. In the future we will discuss some very important uses of constructors; however, for now, the only use that constructors have is initializing objects. For example, the current situation is that when a client of the Date class declares a Date object, it starts off with uninitialized data -- in other words, junk. As we are writing the Date class, we may decide that we would like to have Date objects automatically get initialized to a particular date, say January 1, 1600. We would do this by declaring and defining a constructor. To be more specific, consider the following code:

Date date1;

The current situation is that date1 is not initialized when declared, so the call to the print member function will result in junk being printed on the screen. However, once we add a constructor to the Date class, this code segment would cause the date 1/1/1600 to get printed to the screen. As we go on, you may find yourself getting confused about constructors. If this happens, keep in mind that a constructor is fundamentally simply a function that is automatically called when an object is declared.

In order to actually add a constructor to our Date class, you'll need to know two things about the syntax of constructors. First, a constructor must have the same name as the class to which it belongs. Second, a constructor has no return type. This does not mean that the return type is void. It means that there is no return type whatsoever. Where you might expect to see the word void or int, there is no word at all. The return type is missing.

Here's the definition we will use for the constructor in our Date class:

        month = 1;
        day = 1;
        year = 1600;    

Of course, in addition to adding this to our function definitions, we would also have to add a prototype in the class declaration. In the interest of space, we will not illustrate that here. You may refer to the complete listing of the Dateclass at the end of this lesson.

To add even more flexibility to our class, we would like to also include a constructor that allows the client program to initialize the a Dateobject at the same time that it is being declared. For example, we'd like to be able to declare a Date object named date2 and initialize it to February 28, 1965. The syntax for this is as follows:

Date date2(2,28,1965);

This syntax may seem a bit strange at first. It looks like a cross between a variable declaration and a function call, except the name of the function being called is not date2, but rather Date! As a matter of fact, this is exactly what is happening. In addition to declaring a new object, we are calling a constructor to initialize the new object. Here's what the new constructor will look like.

    Date::Date(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear)    
        month = inMonth;
        day = inDay;
        year = inYear;

The body of this constructor looks a lot like the body of the set function, and rightly so, since the tasks are similar. The only difference is that the set function is dealing with a Date object which has already been declared elsewhere in the client program, while the constructor defined here is dealing with a brand new Date object.

You might be wondering if this is possible, since we now have two functions both named Date! As it turns out, and despite the fact that we have neglected to tell you this before, it is perfectly acceptable to have two functions in C++ with the same name. The compiler identifies which one to execute based on the parameter list, formally called the signature of the function. This process (defining a function with the same name as one that already exists, but giving it a different parameter list) is called function overloading. Another piece of terminology that you should be aware of is that a constructor with no parameters is called a default constructor, since it is the constructor that gets called if an object is declared with no arguments.

Please refer to the complete listing of the Date class at the end of this lesson to see the constructors tested by the client program.

Section 15.8: Using Multiple Files

Let's consider a case where you have a class and you have a client program that uses that class. Best practice in C++ will be to separate this into three separate files: one for the class declaration (the class specification or interface), one for the definitions of the class member functions (the class implementation), and one for the client program. Here are the concrete details for how we work with these three files in an IDE. We'll need the following files:

  1. A client file that contains the client program. It is named anything.cpp (e.g. "dateclient.cpp"). It must be added to the project, and it must #include the .h file.

  2. An implementation file that contains the definitions of the class member functions. This is by convention named name-of-class.cpp (e.g. "date.cpp"). It must be added to the project along with the client file, and must #include the .h file.

  3. A specification file that contains the class declaration. This is by convention named name-of-class.h (e.g. "date.h"). It is typically added to the project in a folder named "header files" or something similar, but technically does not need to be added to the project since it is #included by the client program and the implementation file. We usually call this file the header file.

The trickiest part about this is making sure that the header file is located in the correct place on your computer's file system so that the compiler can find it. The best way to handle this is to always create your header file by right-clicking on a folder in your IDE (for example, the "headers" folder") and choosing add -> new item (or whatever the equivalent is in your IDE). Then the IDE will ensure that the file is saved int he correct location.

One more detail about the header file. There is a danger that the header file may get included from multiple files in such a way as to cause the compiler to try to compile the code twice. If this happens, you'll get error messages. In order to avoid this, we place lines similar to the following two lines at the top of every header file:

#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H

and the following line at the very bottom of every header file:


It's not important (for now) that you understand the details of how this technique works. Just make sure to place these three lines in every header file that you create. Here's an attempt at an explanation for the curious:

The words #ifndef, #define, and #endif are called "preprocessor directives". The preprocessor executes these directives before compiling your code. #ifndef stands for "if not defined".  In other words it's an if statement whose body (up to the #endif) gets executed if the variable "CLASSNAME_H" has not been defined.  Of course, the first time this code is encountered, that variable has not been defined, so the if statement's body gets compiled.  The first thing inside the if statement's body is the directive "#define CLASSNAME_H".  That is defining a variable named CLASSNAME_H.  So the second time this code is encountered, the variable CLASSNAME_H will have already been defined, and the if statement's body will NOT get compiled.

A potentially confusing part of this is that this is code that is being executed PRIOR TO compiling the code.  CLASSNAME_H is not a variable that exists during the running of the program.  It just exists while the compiler is getting things set up to start compiling your code.

Section 15.9: Using const

When you define a member function you have access to the calling object's private data members much like you would if the data members of the calling object had all been passed by reference to the function. In fact the data members of the calling object are sometimes called implicit parameters, meaning that they are there even though they are not explicitly declared. Since we are able to modify these data members, it would be incorrect to think of them as pass-by-value parameters. Rather, we should think of them as reference parameters. But there is something bad about this. It is good practice to use value parameters whenever possible, so that we guard against unintentional modifications of the parameter. We should also have a way to guard against unintentional modification of the calling object's data members. This is provided in C++ with the const modifier. When we have a member function that is not intended to change the calling object, we put the word const at the end of the function header. This has been done in the final version of our Date class shown below. Study it and make sure you understand why the word const appears where it does and doesn't appear where it doesn't!

There is one more matter of good practice that we should discuss. Objects can sometimes be large and take up a lot of memory. It can be very inefficient to pass them by value, because when you pass by value a copy has to be made of the value being passed. So it is good practice to ALWAYS PASS OBJECTS BY REFERENCE INSTEAD OF BY VALUE. However, this brings up the problem that our objects are once again not guarded against unintentional modification. To remedy this, we can use the word const in yet another context. We put the word in front of the parameter in the parameter list, and this means that even though we are using the pass-by-reference mechanism, the compiler will not allow the object to get changed.

Take a good look at the comesBefore function below. It illustrates both uses of the word const that we have just discussed. The word appears in the parameter list, making it so that the value of the parameter otherDate cannot be changed, and then it also appears at the end of the function header, making it so that the calling object cannot be changed.

What follows is our final version of the Date class, along with a client program that illustrates all of its features. This version is split into three files. The Date class has also been documented according to Style Convention 1D. Please take a moment to read over that Style Convention and make sure you understand how that is implemented here.

    This is the file dateclient.cpp.  It is added to the project.

    #include <iostream>
    #include "date.h"
    using namespace std;

    int main()
        Date date1;
        cout << "When first declared, date1 is: ";
        cout << endl;
        date1.set(7, 24, 1949);
        cout << "After being set to 7/24/1949, date1 is: ";
        cout << endl;
        Date date2(2, 28, 1965);
        cout << "When first declared and initialized to "
             << "2/28/1965, date2 is: ";    
        cout << endl;
        cout << "enter a date: ";
        cout << "you entered: ";
        cout << endl;
        if (date1.comesBefore(date2)){
            cout << "date1 comes before date2" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "date1 does not come before date2" << endl;    
        cout << "one day later, date2 is: ";
        cout << endl;
        date1 = date2.increasedBy(12);
        cout << "After setting date1 to equal date2 + 12,";
        cout << "date 2 is still: ";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "but date1 is now: ";
        cout << endl;

    This is the file date.cpp.  It is added to the project

    #include <iostream>
    #include "date.h"
    using namespace std;

        Class Invariant: a Date object has 3 int data members: month, which stores the month number
        between 1 and 12, day, which stores the date, and year, which stores the year.  Internal
        operations always result in valid dates (month between 1 and 12, day between 1 and the
        number of days in the month).  However, no effort is made to prevent the client from
        providing an invalid date.
        month = 1;
        day = 1;
        year = 1600;
    Date::Date(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear)
        month = inMonth;
        day = inDay;
        year = inYear;

    void Date::read()
        char dummy;
        cin >> month;
        cin >> dummy;
        cin >> day;
        cin >> dummy;
        cin >> year;

    void Date::print() const
        cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;

    void Date::set(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear)
        day = inDay;
        month = inMonth;
        year = inYear;

    bool Date::comesBefore(const Date& otherDate) const    
        if (year < otherDate.year){
            return true;
        if (year > otherDate.year){
            return false;
        if (month < otherDate.month){
            return true;
        if (month > otherDate.month){
            return false;
        return day < otherDate.day;

    void Date::increment()
        if (day > daysInMonth()){
            day = 1;
        if (month > 12){
            month = 1;

    // This private member function returns the number of days in the month of the calling object.
    int Date::daysInMonth() const
        switch (month) {
            case 2:if (isLeapYear()){
                       return 29;
                   } else {
                       return 28;

            case 4:
            case 6:
            case 9:
            case 11: return 30;

            default: return 31;

    // This private member function returns true if the year of the calling object is a leapyear.
    // Otherwise returns false.
    bool Date::isLeapYear() const
        if (year % 400 == 0){
            return true;

        if (year % 100 == 0){
            return false;

        return year % 4 == 0;

    Date Date::increasedBy(int numDays) const
        Date tempDate;
        tempDate.set(month, day, year);
        for (int count = 0; count < numDays; count++){
        return tempDate;

    This is the file date.h.  It is not added to the project.   It must be located in the same
    folder as the other source files.

    #ifndef DATE_H
    #define DATE_H

    The Date class can be used to create objects that store a date, including month, day, and year.
    The following functions are available:
      post: The calling object has been created and initialized to January 1, 1600        
    Date(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear);
      post: The calling object has been created and initialized so that the month is inMonth, the 
            day is inDay, and the year is inYear.
    void set(int inDay, int inMonth, int inYear);
      post: The calling object has been modified so that the month is inMonth, the day is inDay,
           and the year is inYear.
    void print() const;
      post: The calling object has been printed to the console window in the format M/D/Y.
    void read();
      post: The calling object has been initialized to the data entered at the console window.
            The date must be entered in the format M/D/Y.
    bool comesBefore(const Date& otherDate) const;  
      post: Returns true if the calling object comes before the parameter "otherDate".  Otherwise
             returns false.
    void increment();
      post: The calling object has been advanced by one day.
    Date increasedBy(int numDays) const;
      post: Returns the Date determined by starting with the calling object and advancing the day
             numDays times.
    class Date {
            Date(int inMonth, int inDay, int inYear);
            void set(int inDay, int inMonth, int inYear);
            void print() const;
            void read();
            bool comesBefore(const Date& otherDate) const;  
            void increment();
            Date increasedBy(int numDays) const;
            int daysInMonth() const;
            bool isLeapYear() const;
            int day;
            int month;
            int year;
