Class Comments Example

Comments in the header file will follow this pattern:

[First, a general description of the class (so a client programmer can tell 
right away whether she wants to use it).  Just a couple of sentences is fine.]

[Next, a listing of all of the prototypes of public members, each with pre 
and post conditions, like this:]

return-type f1(parameters);

pre: [pre condition here]
post: [post condition here]

return-type f2(parameters);

pre: [pre condition here]
post: [post condition here]

return-type f3(parameters);

pre: [pre condition here]
post: [post condition here]

return-type f4(parameters);

pre: [pre condition here]
post: [post condition here]


[Next, the actual class declaration, with no comments, like this:]

class someClass {

Comments in the implementation file will follow this pattern:

[First, a class invariant and description of the private data members]

[Next, all of the function definitions.  Comments are only required on private member
functions and functions that contain complex code that needs additional explanation.]