 * -------------------
 * These functions are designed to help you test your MyString objects, 
 * as well as show the client usage of the class.
 * The BasicTest function builds an array of strings using various
 * constructor options and prints them out.  It also uses the String
 * stream operations to read some strings from a data file.
 * The RelationTest function checks out the basic relational operations
 * (==, !=, <, etc) on Strings and char *s.
 * The ConcatTest functions checks the overloaded + and += operators that
 * do string concatenation.
 * The CopyTest tries out the copy constructor and assignment operators
 * to make sure they do a true deep copy.
 * Although not exhaustive, these tests will help you to exercise the basic
 * functionality of the class and show you how a client might use it.
 * While you are developing your MyString class, you might find it
 * easier to comment out functions you are ready for, so that you don't
 * get lots of compile/link complaints.
#include "mystring.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>      // for toupper()
#include <string>     
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cs_mystring;

void BasicTest();
void RelationTest();
void ConcatTest();
void CopyTest();
MyString AppendTest(const MyString& ref, MyString val);
string boolString(bool convertMe);

int main()

string boolString(bool convertMe) {
    if (convertMe) {
        return "true";
    } else {
        return "false";

void BasicTest()
    MyString s;
    int stringLength;
    cout << "----- Testing basic String creation & printing" << endl;
    const MyString strs[] = 
                {MyString("Wow"), MyString("C++ is neat!"),
                 MyString(""), MyString("a-z")};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        cout << "string [" << i <<"] = " << strs[i] << endl;

    cout << endl << "----- Now reading MyStrings from file" << endl;
    cout << endl << "----- first, word by word" << endl;
    ifstream in("mystring.txt");
    while (in.peek() == '#'){
        in.ignore(128, '\n');
    in >> s;
    while (in) {
        cout << "Read string = " << s << endl;
        in >> s;

    cout << endl << "----- now, line by line" << endl;
    ifstream in2("mystring.txt");
    while (in2.peek() == '#'){
        in2.ignore(128, '\n');
    s.read(in2, '\n');
    while (in2) {
        cout << "Read string = " << s << endl;
        s.read(in2, '\n');

    cout << endl << "----- Testing access to characters (using const)" << endl;
    const MyString s1("abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuvwxyz");
    cout <<  "Whole string is " << s1 << endl;
    cout << "now char by char: ";
    stringLength = s1.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++){
        cout << s1[i];

    cout << endl << "----- Testing access to characters (using non-const)" << endl;
    MyString s2("abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuvwxyz");
    cout <<  "Start with " << s2;
    stringLength = s2.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++){
        s2[i] = toupper(s2[i]);
    cout << " and convert to " << s2 << endl;

void RelationTest()
    cout << "\n----- Testing relational operators between MyStrings\n";

    const MyString strs[] = 
        {MyString("app"), MyString("apple"), MyString(""), 
        MyString("Banana"), MyString("Banana")};

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << "Comparing " << strs[i] << " to " << strs[i+1] << endl;
        cout << "\tIs left < right? " << boolString(strs[i] < strs[i+1]) << endl;
        cout << "\tIs left <= right? " << boolString(strs[i] <= strs[i+1]) << endl;
        cout << "\tIs left > right? " << boolString(strs[i] > strs[i+1]) << endl;
        cout << "\tIs left >= right? " << boolString(strs[i] >= strs[i+1]) << endl;
        cout << "\tDoes left == right? " << boolString(strs[i] == strs[i+1]) << endl;
        cout << "\tDoes left != right ? " << boolString(strs[i] != strs[i+1]) << endl;
    cout << "\n----- Testing relations between MyStrings and char *\n";
    MyString s("he");
    const char *t = "hello";
    cout << "Comparing " << s << " to " << t << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left < right? " << boolString(s < t) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left <= right? " << boolString(s <= t) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left > right? " << boolString(s > t) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left >= right? " << boolString(s >= t) << endl;
    cout << "\tDoes left == right? " << boolString(s == t) << endl;
    cout << "\tDoes left != right ? " << boolString(s != t) << endl;
    MyString u("wackity");
    const char *v = "why";
    cout << "Comparing " << v << " to " << u << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left < right? " << boolString(v < u) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left <= right? " << boolString(v <= u) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left > right? " << boolString(v > u) << endl;
    cout << "\tIs left >= right? " << boolString(v >= u) << endl;
    cout << "\tDoes left == right? " << boolString(v == u) << endl;
    cout << "\tDoes left != right ? " << boolString(v != u) << endl;  


void ConcatTest()
    cout << "\n----- Testing concatentation on MyStrings\n";
    const MyString s[] = 
            {MyString("outrageous"), MyString("milk"), MyString(""), 
            MyString("cow"), MyString("bell")};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << s[i] << " + " << s[i+1] << " = " << s[i] + s[i+1] << endl;
    cout << "\n----- Testing concatentation between MyString and char *\n";
    const MyString a("abcde");
    const char *b = "XYZ";
    cout << a << " + " << b << " = " << a + b << endl;
    cout << b << " + " << a << " = " << b + a << endl;
    cout << "\n----- Testing shorthand concat/assign on MyStrings\n";
    MyString s2[] = 
            {MyString("who"), MyString("what"), MyString("WHEN"), 
            MyString("Where"), MyString("why")};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << s2[i] << " += " << s2[i+1] << " = ";
        cout << (s2[i] += s2[i+1]) << "and";
        cout << s2[i] << endl;

    cout << "\n----- Testing shorthand concat/assign using char *\n";
    MyString u("I love ");
    const char *v = "programming";
    cout << u << " += " << v << " = ";
    cout << (u += v) << endl;

MyString AppendTest(const MyString& ref, MyString val)
    val[0] = 'B';
    return val + ref;

void CopyTest()
    cout << "\n----- Testing copy constructor and operator= on MyStrings\n";

    MyString orig("cake");
    MyString copy(orig);    // invoke copy constructor

    copy[0] = 'f';  // change first letter of the *copy*
    cout << "original is " << orig << ", copy is " << copy << endl;
    MyString copy2;      // makes an empty string
    copy2 = orig;        // invoke operator=
    copy2[0] = 'f';      // change first letter of the *copy*
    cout << "original is " << orig << ", copy is " << copy2 << endl;
    copy2 = "Copy Cat";
    copy2 = copy2;        // copy onto self and see what happens
    cout << "after self assignment, copy is " << copy2 << endl;
    cout << "Testing pass & return MyStrings by value and ref" << endl;
    MyString val = "winky";
    MyString sum = AppendTest("Boo", val);
    cout << "after calling Append, sum is " << sum << endl;
    cout << "val is " << val << endl;
    val = sum;
    cout << "after assign,  val is " << val << endl;